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Maybe I should look into a career in ophthalmology…

Monkey has a cyst under each eye. We’ve been to the doctor three times about them, then an optometrist and finally an ophthalmologist. Here is what Monkey’s eyes looked like before our visit to the ophthalmologist:

Monkey's eyes

Here is what they look like now, a week after our $90.00 “specialist” visit:

Monkey's eyes

Wait. Isn’t that the exact same picture? You ask. Why, yes. Yes it is the exact same picture. Why? Well, after the ophthalmologists assistant shone a light in Monkey’s eyes and the ophthalmologist pulled her lower lids down to have a quick look he put us on a list to have them drained at the hospital. Sounds great right? It would be except the wait is anywhere up to twelve months. Twelve. Freaking. Months. A year even. The receptionist at the desk made sure I was aware that reason we had to wait was because we are in the public health system. And just so she was sure I understood what a complete low life I was she managed to mention this four times in the five minutes it took to get our bill settled. Bitch.

The doctors keep telling me that the cysts may go away on their own, but since they have progressively gotten worse over the last six or so months I don’t see that happening. We’re going to see how much it would cost to have the procedure done, but considering the $90.00 it cost just to have a light shone in her little eyes I’m guessing it might be out of our ballpark. I just don’t want her to have them for another year. She’s a beautiful girl (OK, maybe I’m biased…) and the first thing anyone notices at the moment are those damn cysts.