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New edition

new edition

A couple months ago I mentioned that one day I would like to get a new, decent digital camera thinking it would be a fair while before it ever actually happened. Then sometime on Saturaday we went to just have a look at the Canon EOS 400D, but they didn’t have them in yet and we somehow managed to come home with this little beauty, the EOS D30. Just like that. I’m still a little in shock over the amount we spent on this handsome fella and truthfully it’s not something we can really afford at this point in time, but on the other hand I thought can we really afford not to have him? The answer is no, my friends. No indeed. From the very first moment I released that shutter I was deeply in love and there was just no turning back. And an added bonus is that all my lenses from my first SLR fit him. That is just one of the many things I love about Canon; they could have made it necessary to get all new lenses and accessories when going to a digital, but they didn’t becasue they’re that good and they know they’re that good.

It might be a while before I post any pictures from this bad boy because this is a hella lot of camera to handle and it has been quite a long time since I properly practiced photography, but I’ll get back there and then the photo flood gates will open up and fill flickr to the brim.

10 Responses

  1. Do you know that you’re really pretty? Not the camera *&%#ass! YOU! ha.

    Congratulations on the newest addition to the family. Treat him kindly.

  2. Awesome! Congrats on the new addition. I can’t wait to see the images you produce with it.

  3. Excellent. I’m on a 350D, and I’m torn between the 400D with the higher res, larger screen and cleaning; or the next level up with a 30D. You lucky thing… that’s very cool.

  4. ummm as I drool at the fact that this camera is fairly AMAZING.. i wish you good luck and good lighting..for every shot. By the way bente where did you take your photography classes.. I am very interested ina hobby! do indulge me!

  5. Rock on, woman. Rock on. You’re going to bend that baby over backwards and take names. Whoo hoo!

  6. Hey there, hawt momma! SWEET camera. Congrats.

  7. Congrats on the new ‘baby’. Can’t wait to see more stellar photography from you!

  8. Awww! What a cute couple! Heehee!

  9. Congrats on the camera! And you look great. So pretty.

  10. I’m a Nikon girl and i’m thinking it’s time for an upgrade too. LOL. My husband on the other hand said, “Two Nikon D70s is all we need. STOP LUSTING!”

    hee hee. He’s a handsome fella, what did you name him?

    Mine are Randy and Earl.

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