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My life as a sitcom

We were picking my brother up at the airport on Monday night and we were in that big crowd waiting for family and friends to come out of the customs area when I noticed K had a bit of a red bump on her eyelid. So I said, “Ugh! What happened to your eye?” The girl about six inches in front of me heard and turned around. And I am not even slightly kidding about this: She had a lazy. swollen. eye.


“Oh! I…Uh…I was just talking to the baby.” That eye may have been lazy, but if looks could kill…

p.s. Happy New Year! (Or Nu-nu/ New-new for some of you 😉 )

7 Responses

  1. Ha ha! Oh my god! I am getting some strange looks right now as well because I have just screamed/laughing out loud at this!!! Har har. What did A say? J must have thought it quite hilarious as well.(I like nu-nu, but that’s just me, okay?)I can just hear you saying it all too! (Roaring with laughter)

  2. That totally sounds like something I would do. Happy New Year, B!

  3. That is hilarious blurry. Happy New Year!

  4. Oh My It is nice to know foot IN mouth disease travells all over the world.
    Thanks for a morning chuckle!!

  5. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, lazy-eyed girl had to walk into yours.

    Man. Figgers.

    And HEE!

  6. Ha! That’s funny. I’m glad I’m not the only that inserts her foot with some regularity.

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